"when i was a boy i loved dresses"

This happened a while ago, but I've been too busy to blog about it.

I went to pick up D. from the previously mentioned birthday party.
A group of moms  were chatting at the front door, with the host, a single dad (its a joint custdy arrangement). They were all dressed rather nicely- coincidence? and I felt rather dowdy. The single dad, of course, being male, was under no such pressure and was wearing regular dungarees. See my post below about beauty.

But I digress. The point is not the clothes but the conversation. Conversation about clothes. Same thing that I complain about- nothing nice for boys. all boring grays and dark blues. And how ridiculous that even toys like legos come in separate colors for boys and girls.

And all of a sudden John, the clearly masculine dad, is saying "when I was a boy I loved dresses... I used to always wish I could wear a skirt... I waited all year for Purim so I could dress up in a skirt...."

(purim is sort of a jewish version of American halloween)

I am beginning to think that this is rather common and normal


  1. Have you read the blog "Raising My Rainbow"? It is about raising a gender-creative boy. She has been writing since CJ was 3, and he is now 11. It may help you figure out how to support your kiddo.

    1. thanks for the reference! i'll look into it straight away. I also like that term "gender creative"


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