gender non conformance is not gender dysphoria!

(This is in reaction to a comment I received online).

A very common response to any discussion of gender non conforming kids is that that theyre going to commit suicide. From someone who doesn't know me, doesn't know my son. It's a way of pushing your point of view down someone's throat without having to actually discuss the issues. You better accept what I say because if not, your kid is going to die.


Not only doesn't my son have gender dysphoria, he doesn't have any sort of dysphoria at all. He's actually a generally happy child, enthusiastic about a lot of things. He has a struggle to deal with in life, that of things he loves, certain ways of being in the world  being off limits to him by society due to his sex. It's important but it is by far not the only thing going on in his life; not even the foremost.

Secondly; I had gender dysphoria, and I'm still here. but more on that another time.


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