correct information about the mechanisms of reproduction

One of the more successful pieces of my approach, has been to provide accurate and consistent information about the mechanisms of reproduction. Absent this information, it can truly seem arbitrary to have two different categories of people.

My son knowns that one day his body will develop to look like his dad's, not like mine. And he knowns that part of that is that his body will create sperm. And that with that sperm he can, if he finds a female partner, create a child, that will have the same relationship with him as he does with his dad.

He has a sort of understanding, if somewhat vague, of the concept of DNA. He sort of gets the concept of sexual intercourse. I've also told him about sperm donation, as he has a friend with two lesbian moms. (this derailed my program a bit, but we got past the hump)

I began at age four, by trial and error, by what I thought he could grasp. I made mistakes- sometimes I had to repeat the same information a few months later. But at his age now he has a pretty could idea.

He has a sort of understanding of DNA. In fact his limited knowledge of  DNA is meaningful to him, particularly with regard to his relationship with his Dad.  His knowledge of pregnancy and birth was quite meaningful to him in his relationship with me. Before learning about DNA, it distressed him that he would not get pregnant. Since learning about DNA, I have not heard him express any such regrets.


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